Gasping for air was his only option. Head throbbing and limbs weak, Alex saw his life flash before his eyes. Slowly his dreams faded into complete darkness.
“Hello?” There was silence. “Is anyone there? Helllloooo…… What happened dude, where am I?” Alex had just awakened to find himself in a room covered with small crustations. In the distance was a small scattering but faint sound of clacking.
Alex could not believe his eyes; in the distance was a large wave of crabs and lobsters. Dazed and confused, Alex just sat and stared as if not knowing what else to do. He blinked once and suddenly the wave was larger and filled with more creatures. As all these creatures came forth, they began to form a large shape. Alarmed and dumbfounded, Alex watched as the giant mass started to become a face.
The face grew eyes, a nose, a mouth; standing at an enormous height of nine feet Alex, for the first time in his life, was at a loss of words. The monster began to mumble what seemed to be like a grotesque gurgling noise, much like leaky plumbing. Alex could feel the tears build in his eyes; the monster cracked and snapped with every move. The gurgling noises transformed into words that Alex will never forget.
“You have drowned Alex; I hold the key to your life.” Blankly staring Alex only managed, “Dude what?”
“Your dead, but I will spare you one more chance, on one condition………. You shall never surf on my waters again or pay the price that will be given.”
Before Alex could respond, there was a blank white fog. With not a sound, he could not recollect what was happening. Salty liquid swept over his limp body, filling his lungs.
Seconds later, he heard seagulls gawking and waves crashing, but tasted the granulated sand that was stuffed in his mouth. Faded in the distance he herd his friend mike ask if he was alright.
“Ya dude I’m cool, no prob.”
“Well then lets catch another gnarly ten footer.” Replied mike.
“Uh, Um, Well I, I can’t. You’ll totally never believe what just went down dude…….”
“Hello?” There was silence. “Is anyone there? Helllloooo…… What happened dude, where am I?” Alex had just awakened to find himself in a room covered with small crustations. In the distance was a small scattering but faint sound of clacking.
Alex could not believe his eyes; in the distance was a large wave of crabs and lobsters. Dazed and confused, Alex just sat and stared as if not knowing what else to do. He blinked once and suddenly the wave was larger and filled with more creatures. As all these creatures came forth, they began to form a large shape. Alarmed and dumbfounded, Alex watched as the giant mass started to become a face.
The face grew eyes, a nose, a mouth; standing at an enormous height of nine feet Alex, for the first time in his life, was at a loss of words. The monster began to mumble what seemed to be like a grotesque gurgling noise, much like leaky plumbing. Alex could feel the tears build in his eyes; the monster cracked and snapped with every move. The gurgling noises transformed into words that Alex will never forget.
“You have drowned Alex; I hold the key to your life.” Blankly staring Alex only managed, “Dude what?”
“Your dead, but I will spare you one more chance, on one condition………. You shall never surf on my waters again or pay the price that will be given.”
Before Alex could respond, there was a blank white fog. With not a sound, he could not recollect what was happening. Salty liquid swept over his limp body, filling his lungs.
Seconds later, he heard seagulls gawking and waves crashing, but tasted the granulated sand that was stuffed in his mouth. Faded in the distance he herd his friend mike ask if he was alright.
“Ya dude I’m cool, no prob.”
“Well then lets catch another gnarly ten footer.” Replied mike.
“Uh, Um, Well I, I can’t. You’ll totally never believe what just went down dude…….”
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